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Социология религии. Социолого-религиоведческий портал

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  • Преподавание социологии религии
    • Лекции С.Д. Лебедева
    • Видеолекции
    • Студенческий словарь
    • Учебная и методическая литература
  • Вопросы религиозной жизни
    • Религия в искусстве
    • Религия и числа
  • Научные мероприятия
    • Социология религии в обществе Позднего Модерна
    • Научно-практический семинар ИК "Социология религии" РОС в МГИМО
    • Международные конференции
    • Всероссийские конференции
    • Другие конференции
    • Иные мероприятия
  • Библиотека социолога религии
    • Научный результат. Социология и управление
    • Классика российской социологии религии
    • Архив форума "Классика российской социологии религии"
    • Классика зарубежной социологии религии
    • Архив форума "Классика зарубежной социологии религии"
    • Творчество современных российских исследователей
    • Архив форума "Творчество современных российских исследователей"
    • Творчество современных зарубежных исследователей
    • Словарь по социологии религии
    • Наши препринты
    • Программы исследований
    • Российская социолого-религиоведческая публицистика
    • Зарубежная социолого-религиоведческая публицистика
  • Юлия Синелина
    • Синелина Юлия Юрьевна
    • Фотоматериалы
    • Основные труды
  • Лицо нашего круга Клуб молодых социологов-религиоведов
  • Дискуссии Клуб молодых социологов-религиоведов


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  1. TRNAVSKÁ UNIVERZITA V TRNAVE PRÁVNICKÁ FAKULTA ÚSTAV PRE PRÁVNE OTÁZKY NÁBOŽENSKEJ SLOBODY Dear Colleague, in connection with the research in the framework of the grant project VEGA 1/0254/16 Financing of Churches and Religious Societies in partnership with Institute for Confessional Law and State-Church Relations of Uzhgorod National University in Uzhhorod we invite you to participate actively in the scientific conference Economic aspects of State-Church Relations which will take place 20. 9. 2018 9.30 - 12.00 and 21. 9. 2018 14:00 – 17.30 in the Collegium Novum meeting room Faculty of Law, Trnava University of Trnava Kollárova ul. no. 10, 2nd floor The conference will focus on models of economic support of churches and religious societies, with special regard to our geographical area and especially to post-communist countries and the Slovak Republic. Comparisons with other countries and other specific contributions related to the topic of financing of Churches are also welcome. The aim of the event is to bring closer the good practices as a helpful matrix for the new model of financing of Churches in the Slovak Republic and to draw up concrete proposals. Due to your extraordinary scientific reputation, we believe that your contribution will be enriching for the upcoming event. We cordially invite you to participate actively in this scientific conference. Please confirm your participation and announce the name of your paper at: moravcikova@gmail.com no later than 10 August 2018. Consequently, a conference program will be drawn up, about which you will be separately informed. We look forward to meeting you and working with you. Yours sincerely ThLic. Mgr. Michaela Moravčíková, Th.D. director of the Institute for Legal Aspect of Religuious Freedom * korešpondenčná adresa ( telefón internet IČO 31825249 PRÁVNICKÁ FAKULTA TU + 421 33 5939 601 http://iuridica.truni.sk/ IČ DPH SK 2021177202 Hornopotočná 23 + 421 905 587784 918 43 TRNAVA - SK fax + 421 33 5513 021 e-mail prf@truni.sk
  2. Invitation letter – International scientific conference Trnava Days of Law New Europe – Challenges and Expectations To whom it may concern, Trnava University in Trnava, Faculty of Law organises international scientific conference Trnava Days of Lawevery two years. The time that passed since the last conference is considerably marked by the vast social changes and challenges. The law and politics strive to react to them not only at the domestic but also at international level. The Trnava Days of Law opted for the topic New Europe – Challenges and Expectations with the aim to discuss these issues in general and also in particular. Above all, Europe is facing the problem of openness. Discussion centres on the topics of openness of the European Union towards its citizens, the fortification of the human rights guarantees and the purpose of the collective approach towards prospective solutions. All of this is happening because of the importance and gravity of changing social, cultural, economic and geopolitical realities. Aspects of the (post-post)modern age such as migration, economic and financial crisis, crisis of values, threat of terrorism, increasing political extremism or digitalisation of the life are only few of those which need to be effectively addressed by the law of the “Old Europe” in order to preserve the effectiveness of the law in democratic society. Hence, the ambition of the Trnava Days of Law is to discuss the capacity of the law to deal with the present changes in its external context. The main purpose of the conference is to stimulate academic and practical layers of the discourse about respective matters and to create the platform for face to face meetings of domestic and abroad legal scholars and practitioners. Each section of the conference is sponsored by the respective department. Participants are more than welcome to take part in the evening program – sightseeing of the Trnava and the reception with wine tasting. Dear Madam/Sir, Let me cordially invite You to Trnava and express my personal conviction that the conference would highly benefit from Your participation. doc. JUDr. Mgr. Andrea Olšovská, PhD. dean of the faculty Date: September 22nd - 23rd 2016 Location: Plenary meeting will be held on September 22nd at the conference hall in Aqua Relax & Spa Rybnikova street n. 16 in Trnava. Meetings in sections will be held on September 23rd at the facilities of Trnava University in Trnava Faculty of Law Kollarova street n. 10. Language: Slovak, Czech, English (plenary meeting), Russian (section Новая Европа -общество, культура, религия и право). Publication of papers: Peer reviewed electronic conference proceedings. Application deadline: July 31st 2016 You may apply via online application system available at the website:http://www.pravnickekonferencie.sk/.While applying you shall also submit the title of the paper and its abstract Deadline for submission of paper: October 31st 2016 Conference fee: 60 Euro in case of active or passive attendance; 50 Euro in case of no attendance and submission of paper. Payment: Name of the bank account: Podnikateľská činnosť škôl TU v Trnave IBAN: SK36 8180 0000 0070 0006 5543 BIC: SPSRSKBA Bank title: Štátna pokladňa Address of the bank: Radlinského 32, 810 05 Bratislava 15 Variable symbol: 1050092016 Please state your full name in the message for receiver. Schedule of the plenary meeting 13.30 – 14.00 Registration 14.00 – 17.00 Opening of the conference, lectures and discussion prof. doc. JUDr. Marek Šmid, PhD., Rector of the Trnava University in Trnava doc. JUDr. Mgr. Andrea Olšovská, PhD., Dean of the Trnava University in Trnava, Law Faculty prof. doc. JUDr. Marek Šmid, PhD. (Trnava University in Trnava): Ethical Aspects of the Law in Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century(in Slovak language) prof. dr. hab. Józef Krukowski (Polish Academy of Sciences): What Kind of Values are Basis of European Integration? The Problems of Axiological and Legal Perspectives prof. Balázs Schanda, PhD. (Pázmány Péter Catholic University): The Human Person and Human Rights as the Fundament of Europe prof. Valentina D. Laza, PhD. (Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University): Russia and Europe - Challenges and Expectations JUDr. PhDr. Marek Antoš, Ph.D., LL.M. (Charles University in Prague): The Time of Crisis: Economical, Migrational, Constitutional, Political (in Czech language) ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Wieshaider (University of Vienna): Law, Culture and Religion 17.00 – 19.00 sightseeing of Trnava city from 19.00 social gathering, wine tasting Thematic focus of the sections The legal and historical trends and prospects (Department of Legal History) Challenges for International and European human rights protection in New Europe (Department of International Law and European Law) The present state and new role of labour law (independent section organised by the Department of the Labour Law and Social Security Law) Ratio personae of Roman law and Canon law and their extensions (Department of Roman Law and Canon Law) Open texture of constitutions (Department of Theory of Law and Constitutional Law) Prospects of the recodification of administrative punishment (independent section organised by the Department of Administrative, Environmental and Financial Law) European challenges for criminal law (Department of Criminal Law and Criminology) New Europe – law and religion (Department for Legal Aspects of Religious Freedom) Новая Европа - общество, культура, религия и право (New Europe - society, culture, religion and law) Consumer arbitration (separate workshop organised by the Department of Civil Law and Commercial Law) Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email tpd092016@gmail.com Scientific board of the conference International members prof. Agnes Christian Chavez Faria, PhD. (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) prof. Valentina Dmitrijevna Laza, Ph.D. (Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Pyatigorsk, Russia) prof. dr hab. Józef Krukowski (Polish Academy of Sciences, Lublin, Poland) prof. Balázs Schanda, Ph.D. (Pázmany Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary) Faculty members doc. JUDr. Mgr. Andrea Olšovská, PhD. JUDr. Zuzana Adamová, PhD. Dr. h. c. prof. JUDr. Peter Blaho, CSc. prof. JUDr. Helena Barancová, DrSc. prof. PhDr. Gustáv Dianiška, CSc. doc. JUDr. Monika Jurčová, PhD. prof. JUDr. Soňa Košičiarová, PhD. doc. JUDr. Dagmar Lantajová, PhD. JUDr. Michal Maslen, PhD. Dr. h. c. prof. JUDr. Peter Mosný, CSc. ThLic. Mgr. Michaela Moravčíková, Th.D. doc. JUDr. Radoslav Procházka, PhD., JSD. prof. JUDr. Ivan Šimovček, CSc. prof. doc. JUDr. Marek Šmid, PhD. doc. JUDr. Vojtech Vladár, PhD http://www.lawconferences.sk/sk/?option=com_konferencie&view=konferencia&id=80
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