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Социология религии. Социолого-религиоведческий портал

XII International Workshop: “Religion and civil society...

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XII International Workshop: “Religion and civil society between fundamentalism and secularization”. Date: 20–25.11.2013. Site: Crimea, Ukraine. Deadline: 15.10.2013


Organiser: Western Michigan University (US) and Taurida National V.I. Verdansky University (Ukraine), Network of Cultural Exchange and Interethnic Trust (Ukraine)

Topics: The discourse shall include the following topics:

Religious fundamentalism as a response to the challenges of globalization of the cultural environment; Religious, civilizational, ethnic identity and conflicts of values;

The relationship of Islam and Christianity;

The Clash of Civilizations: Myth or Reality?;

The role of the religious factor in ethnic conflict;

The ethno-religious dimension of geopolitical projects;

Tolerance: philosophical, ethical and psychological aspects;

Human and social capital: the interaction parameters;

Social networks as a factor in the structuring of civil society;

The media and the cultural and symbolic resources of virtualized society;

Religion and sustainable development;

Linguistic aspects of cross-cultural and inter-religious communications.

Two Round tables will be held within the framework of the Workshop: “Orthodox civilization and traditional values” (in commemoration of Alexander Panarin); “The “Arab Spring” and the future of the Middle East: fundamentalism or secularization?”

Language: English, Russian, Ukrainian

Deadline: October 15, 2013; should be sent to: nce@mail.ru, tsenyushkina@yandex.com

Contact: Tatiana Senyushkina, chair of the conference

E-mail: tsenyushkina@yandex.com

Internet: http://nce.sevhost.net and http://www.facebook.com/ReligionandCivilSociety

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