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а. перес-реверте Артуро Перес-Реверте. Капитан Алатристе
Serjio posted a topic in Религия в искусстве
...Оттого, надо полагать, что первоначальные впечатления бытия принято считать самыми сильными, я и по прошествии многих-многих лет с отрадой и умилением вспоминаю таверну «У Турка». Давно уже нет на свете капитана Алатристе, безвозвратно минули бурные дни моего отрочества, и следа не осталось от этого заведения, которое в царствование Четвертого Филиппа было одним из тех четырехсот, где могли утолить жажду семьдесят тысяч обитателей Мадрида – то есть один кабачок приходился на каждые сто семьдесят пять человек, не считая борделей, игорных домов, разнообразных притонов и прочих мест, имеющих законное право именоваться «злачными», и в Испании того времени – ни на что не похожей, единственной в своем роде и неповторимой – посещаемых не реже, чем божьи храмы, причем сплошь и рядом одни и те же люди были и ревностными прихожанами, и отпетыми забулдыгами. (Глава 3).- 1 reply
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Ninth International Conference on Religion & Spirituality in Society University of Granada Granada, Spain 25–26 April 2019 2019 Call for Papers We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, or colloquia addressing one of the following themes: THEME 1: RELIGIOUS FOUNDATIONS THEME 2: RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY AND SOCIALIZATION THEME 3: RELIGIOUS COMMONALITIES AND DIFFERENCES THEME 4: THE POLITICS OF RELIGION 2019 Special Focus—Universal Religious Symbols: Mutual Influences and Specific Relationships 2019 SPECIAL FOCUS THEMES SCOPE & CONCERNS Become a Presenter 1Submit a Proposal If you would like to present, start by submitting a proposal. You will need the following: presentation type, short/long descriptions, keywords, focus, themes, and biographical information. View our Step-by-Step Guide to submitting a presentation proposal. 2Get Accepted After we receive your presentation proposal, it moves to the evaluation step. We welcome the submission of proposals at any time of the year. All proposals will be reviewed between two to four weeks of submission. See proposal deadlines below. 3Register Once your proposal is accepted, you must register before our Program Development team can schedule your presentation. View our Step-by-Step Guide to the registration process. SUBMIT A PROPOSAL REGISTER Important Dates We welcome the submission of proposals at any time of the year. All proposals will be reviewed within two to four weeks of submission. Registration Dates Once your proposal is accepted register by one of the deadlines below to be scheduled as a presenter. Advance Registration Deadline 25 July 2018 Early Registration Deadline 25 October 2018 Regular Registration Deadline 25 March 2019 Late Registration Deadline 25 April 2019 Submit Your Proposal Current proposal submission deadline: 11 October 2018 * *Proposals are reviewed in rounds based on our corresponding registration deadlines. Check the website often to see the current review round. Use the button below to submit a proposal for review. SUBMIT IN ENGLISH SUBMIT IN SPANISH Monthly Newsletter Subscribe to receive monthly updates by email about conferences, publications, and news from the field. Your email… Stay Connected Get Support Have a question? We’re here to help. Visit the help center to get started. SUPPORT CENTER