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Социология религии. Социолого-религиоведческий портал

Международная научная конференция "Процессы, тенденции, области и границы религиозных изменений в современном мире: (де) секуляризация, постсекуляризация, возрождение религии - теории и эмпирические доказательства" (Сербия, Белград, 5-6 апреля 2019 г.)

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Международная научная конференция "Процессы, тенденции, области и границы религиозных изменений в современном мире: (де) секуляризация, постсекуляризация, возрождение религии - теоретические предположения и эмпирические доказательства" (Сербия, Белград, 5-6 апреля 2019 г.)



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for an International Conference

Processes, Trends, Domains and Limitations of Religious Changes in the Contemporary World: (De)secularization, Post-secularization, Revitalization of Religion

 - Theoretical Assumptions and Empirical Evidence

Srebrno jezero (Veliko Gradište, Serbia), 5 - 6 April 2019.

Organized by

the Forum for Religious Issues and the Centre for Sociological and Anthropological Research at the Institute of Social Sciences

in co-organization with

Yugoslav Association for the Scientific Study of Religion (JUNIR), Niš, and

Committee on Education and Culture of the Eparchy of Braničevo, Požarevac


For the fifth year in a row, the Forum for Religious Issues of the Institute of Social Sciences and the Centre for Sociological and Anthropological Research at the Institute of Social Sciences along with partner associations are organizing an international religious scientific conference on 5 – 6th April 2019, at Srebrno jezero. Given that the organization of the conference profiled itself as one of the few annual interdisciplinary conferences on the issues of religion and church, over the past years it has gathered a group of permanent participants, with new authors joining every year depending on the topic of the conference. In the years when it was, due to, unfortunately, financial reasons, difficult to independently organize an international conference that gathers a minimum of ten foreign participants, and a later printing of a collection of papers from a conference or a thematic monograph, a joint organization of the conference with partner organizations, such as the Yugoslav Association for the Scientific Study of Religion from Niš, and the Committee on Education and Culture of the Eparchy of Braničevo Diocese from Požarevac, helped us in achieving these tasks. The subject of this year’s conference is: "Processes, trends, domains and limitations of religious changes in the contemporary world: (de)secularization, post-secularization, revitalization of religion ... - theoretical assumptions and empirical evidence."


Religious life and the connection between people and social groups with religion and church are subject to constant change and different social influences. The history of the Balkans undoubtedly testifies to how out-religious and out-ecclesiastical circumstances (concentrated around the believers’ salvation) contribute to the changes in the religious and ecclesiastical life of individuals and social groups. These changes are so remarkably strong and obvious that, after a certain period, it is difficult not to highlight social and even political and international factors as inevitable in their explanation, although we are, therefore, exposed to the danger of falling into a kind of sociologism. However, between the assertion that the entire religious and ecclesiastical life depends on the constellation of ambient and social circumstances, and the claim that these circumstances affect the spiritual and ecclesiastical sphere, there is an evident difference. Social sciences are the most competent to analyze and explain how and to what extent the social events of the 1970s in Europe and the world have influenced changes in the connection between people and social groups, both with established religions that have existed for centuries, as well as new religious ideas, expressions and practices. These differences also influenced the changed social position of religions and churches in the world. Therefore, the ambient influence on religions and churches is not one-way, since the changed religious situation afterwards influences social roles, culture, politics, morality and general social values.   

This approach to religious changes has certain features of methodological reductionism. In this approach, religion does not have, as in the theological, a major but an auxiliary role, because what is primarily sought through religious events is not a religious explanation, but the explanation of the behavior of people and the interaction of social groups as carriers of a certain confessional self-awareness. For instance, the historical circumstances in the Balkans show clearly that the relations of people and nations cannot be understood without a religious factor. Because this factor is intertwined with the social and public sphere, societies and their mutual relations cannot be understood without their religious and confessional course. Hence, although social factors are important for the explanation of religious phenomena, this phenomenon is not only a social product - there are also gnoseological, anthropological and psychological factors of religion and religiousness.

The deterministic framework of religious changes is made more complex by a number of significant social changes around which there is an agreement as events that paradigmatically confirmed the influence on the change of the position of the religion itself and religious institutions in society, but also the spiritual atmosphere in culture. At work is, on the one hand, gaining the political significance of religious traditions, and on the other, the traditions, while announcing their return, deprivatize the adopted, syncretic beliefs and behaviors, which are essential elements of the process of desecularization of religious life. These events showed that religion did not lose, that is, that it again resurfaced the potentials to inspire great, collective efforts of people for change that relate to the very essence of their political and religious life. In particular, these are the following events: 1. The strengthening of fundamentalism in Islamic countries in the late 1970s, first in the face of Iranian Islamic revolutions, and then in series of Islamic political movements in other countries, Al-Qaeda's so-called Islamic states; then 2. The change in the religious situation in a number of Western countries, such as the rise of Christian conservatism in the USA, or the strengthening of radical Christianity in Latin America, as well as the change in the strategy of Catholicism in Europe from the adaptation to the modern world to re-evangelization of that same world, especially with incentives that were supposed to come from Catholicism in the East, mostly from Polish Catholicism as the most effective model. 3. Therefore, as the next important deterministic framework of the religious twist, there is certainly an active or at least a supporting role of religion and church in the destruction of the communist order in Central and Eastern Europe in the late 1980s. On this basis, a religious situation emerged that can be described by terms like radical de-atheization of these societies in the process of returning or bringing the broad population closer to the suppressed and stigmatized religion and church; 4. On the territory of the former Socialist Federal Republic Yugoslavia and the present Republic of Serbia, in the 1980s, and especially during the wars in 1990s, regardless of the confessions, the growth of public, or more precisely, political abuse of religion, and calming in religious stabilization during the first decade of the 21st century, after wanderings of identity throughout the entire crisis period, for which even today we can not say that it is only a distant memory. 5. The acquisition of the public importance of Orthodoxy in the past year in the Eastern Ukraine and Russia as an identifier, homogenizer and a way to defend the culture in a crisis situation.


These social and religious changes are not at issue, but the conclusions of theoretical and empirical research on the ultimate reach that social change has on religion and the church. How to name the processes of religious change, what are the scopes of these changes, how serious and provable are the tendencies of these changes in the direction of (de) secularization, post-secularization, revitalization and the vitality of religion and church, what are the limits of these changes in the religious life of people – these the questions with no final answers or general consent. We believe that these are important issues that need to be specifically analyzed and be answered in interdisciplinary and international meetings, especially in the context of recent experiential research in the region and in Europe. Therefore, we believe that the organization of this conference will certainly ask some important questions about the direction, scope and limits of religious change and, at least partially, answer some.


Program committee of the Conference:

Dr Mirko Blagojević, the head of FOREL, IDN, Belgrade

Dr Goran Bašić, the Director of the IDN

Dr Lilijana Čičkarić, the head of the Center for Sociological and Anthropological research of the IDN

Dr Marta Sjeničić, IDN, Belgrade

Dr Zlatko Matić, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Belgrade

Dr Dragan Todorović, JUNIR, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš

Dr Sergej Lebedev, Belgorod National Research University – Institute of management, Belgorod (Russian Federation)

Dr Yuri Stoyanov, School of Oriental and African Studies, London/Jerusalem

Dr Nonka Bogomilova, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Dr Paul Mojzes, Rosemont College, Pennsylvania (USA)

Dr Ivan Cvitković, Academy of Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH)

Dr Ružica Cacanoska, Institute for Sociological, Political and Juridical Research Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (Republic of Macedonia)

Dr Olga Smolina, Severodonetsk National University (Ukraine)


Organizational board of the Conference:

Dr Miloš Jovanović, JUNIR and Faculty of Philosophy, Niš

Goran Ilić, Committee on Education and Culture of the Eparchy of Braničevo

Dr Ivana Arsić, IDN, Belgrade

MA Milan Blagojević, Faculty of Political Sciences, Belgrade


Important dates:

 - By 15th March 2019: Send only the title of the paper, institutional affiliation, an abstract of up to 200 words with 5 keywords in English (Russian) or Serbian (and other languages of the former Yugoslavia) by mail to: blagomil@91sbb.rs  and office.skupovi@idn.org.rs. 

- By 1st September 2019: Final deadline for paper submission. Please submit the finalized papers until September 1, 2019, to the following email addresses - blagomil@91sbb.rs  and office.skupovi@idn.org.rs. We will accept only papers written in English (or Russian) with two auto-citations from (a) the categories of international and national journals or (b) published monographs or (c) from international proceedings. The minimum volume of the paper is 29,000 characters, including literature, charts, etc. A peer review committee will determine which articles will be included in the Thematic Monograph by the end of December 2019. 


Technical instructions:

Please use the A4 format, font Times New Roman pt 12, single-spacing, without redundant formatting. Abstract should be written at the beginning of the text in the language of the article (English, Russian), and at the end of it if the paper is written in Russian.

Travel costs are borne by the participants themselves, while the conference organizers will provide accommodation and meals. 


In Belgrade, January 19, 2019

Head of FOREL, IDN

Dr Mirko Blagojević

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Велика сала Института друштвених наука, Београд 4. април 2019. године 15.00-18.00  
 Идеја је да се организује трећи по реду округли сто о социолошким истраживањима српског и руског друштва користећи долазак руских истраживача на религиолошку конференцију која се одржава на Сребрном језеру 5. и 6. априла 2019. године у организацији ИДН и партнера. Први округли сто је организован у децембру 2015. а други у мају 2017. године. Поред основних информација које нам колеге из Русије преносе о искуственим истраживањима која су они спровели, идеја овог округлог стола јесте да се разговара о начинима спровођења заједничких истраживања у једном и другом друштву не само од социолошког интереса него и од потреба јавних политика код нас и у Русији (истраживање социјалне структуре, сиромаштва, информатичког друштва, демографских и миграционих токова, политичких токова, религијских питања). 
У плану су иступања колега из Центра за социолошка и антрополошка истраживања ИДН-а и колега из Русији: 
Проф. др Ине Шаповалове, професорке Института друштвених наука и масовних комуникација Белгородског државног универзитета, Белгород;

Проф. др Сергеја Лебедева, професора Института друштвених наука и масовних комуникација Белгородског државног универзитета, Белгород;

Проф. др Сергеја Трофимова, продекана за науку Социолошког факултета Универзитета Ломоносов, Москва;

Проф. др Ирене Каргине, професорке Московског института за међународне односе Министарства спољних послова Руске Федерације (Москва). 
У Београду, 28. фабруара 2019.                      
   Управница Центра за социолошка и                                                                                                                                    антрополошка истраживања ИДН                                                                                       Др Лилијана Чичкарић

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Сотрудничество с коллегами из Сербии

Социологи НИУ «БелГУ» приняли участие в организации и проведении международных научных мероприятий в Сербии

Сотрудничество с коллегами из Сербии

Директор Международного центра социологических исследований, заведующая кафедрой социологии и организации работы с молодёжью Инна Шаповалова и руководитель лаборатории «Социология религии и культуры» Международного центра социологических исследований Сергей Лебедев стали соорганизаторами и участниками цикла международных научных мероприятий в Республике Сербия. В Институте общественных наук Белграда на круглом столе «Сербское и русское общество в социологических исследованиях» Инна Шаповалова представила доклад с презентацией по результатам мониторинга «Социальные стратегии региональной молодёжи: 2018 год».

В городе Велико Градиште прошла международная научная конференция «Процессы, тенденции, области и границы религиозных изменений в современном мире: (де)секуляризация, постсекуляризация, возрождение религии – теоретические предположения и эмпирические доказательства». На конференции выступили учёные из семи стран Центральной, Южной и Восточной Европы. Спектр обсуждавшихся проблем охватывал современные взаимодействия религиозных институтов и процессов с важнейшими общественными явлениями: от медиатехнологий до миграций и от экономики до образования и искусства. На пленарном заседании научного форума Сергей Лебедев и Инна Шаповалова выступили с докладом «Религия как объект социальной рефлексии». Сергей Лебедев также принял участие в работе программного комитета конференции.

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